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New Log Aggregator

Hi Vanilla Devs, Ops has been working on a replacement for Papertrail which we hope will improve our ability to leverage our application logs for debugging. I’m excited to announce that this system is now available for you to use. Currently, Papertrail aggregates: • nginx access logs • nginx and PHP error logs • Vanilla’s application logs These are searchable for 7 days within the Papertrail UI. We have built a new system, creatively named Logs, that aggregates: • Cloudflare access logs • haproxy access logs • nginx access logs • nginx and PHP error logs These are searchable for 15 days within the Kibana UI. We are in the process of adding the Vanilla application logs, as well. A huge advantage of the new system is that it can trace a request the entire way through our stack, even through Cloudflare. We tag every event with the ray ID if it is available, which means that when you’re searching by RayID (which is now possible!!), you see the request as it transits Cloudflare, haproxy, and nginx/php. We’re also able to generate sweet visualizations of log events and trends in near realtime. I have created logins for each of you and shared them via 1Password vaults named “ops<->[your name]”. The URL of the new system is http://logs.v-fabric.net/ and I hope you’ll provide some insightful and considered feedback on it after using it. We’ll be retiring Papertrail very soon. A good first query, to test, is something like going to https://logs.v-fabric.net/app/kibana#/discover and searching for "request.cloudflare_datacenter : YUL” which will show you all the requests from the last 15 minutes which entered our environment from Cloudflare’s Montreal datacenter. From there you can explore more :) Please let us know if you run into any issues. Tim Gunter COO Vanilla Forums, Inc https://vanillaforums.com